Thermostats Arthermo
Thermostats particularly suitable for temperature control of heating systems, circulation pumps, burners, air heaters and other devices.
- Thermostat SP-DT 0/90°C with copper capillary 1500 mmPrice:€8.95
- Thermostat SP-DT +50/315°C with stainless steel capillary 1500 mmPrice:€9.51
- Boxed Thermostat ARTH100 0/90°C, Sheath 100 mm x 1/2"Price:€18.82
- Boxed adjustable thermostat 0/90°C 1500 mm capillary, with control thermometer 0/120°C 1500 mm capillaryPrice:€29.40
- Double boxed thermostat adjustable and safety manual reset thermostat ARTH400 0/90°C, pocket 100 mm Price:€29.86
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