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Sine UPS S600
Sine UPS S600

Sine UPS S600

Price: €297.58
  • Weight:
    2.000 Kgs

SineUPS energy source guarantees constant work for the devices attached to it. In case of a problem with electricity supply, SineUPS is a back-up option, which, through a battery, supplies an even and stable electricity flow. The exit current has the same form as the one coming from the electricity network, which means that the devices attached to SineUPS work as effectively as ever.

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S600 has connections for an outer battery. The model is suitable for supplying electricity to devices with capacity up to 600 W.

Technical data

Inlet Current 220 VAC
Frequency 50 Hz
Current for transfer towards battery supply under 180 VAC
over 260 VAC
Protection Protection placed outside the box
Exit Current 220 VAC ± 4%
Frequency 50 Hz ± 1Hz
Capacity 600 W
Current form Clean sinusoida
Time for transfer < 5 ms
Protection Automatic renewable overload and shortcut protection
Battery Type 12 V, lead-acid
Capacity Outer, 20 - 150 Ah 1
Protection Protection from back switching
  Weight 6.0 kg
Dimensions 255 х 215 х 130 mm
Ambient temperature 0 - 35 °C
Relative humidity 0 - 95 %

1. The outer battery is not included.

SineUPS400 Manual[1] [PDF, 646.41 KB]

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