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Home HeatingInfrared heatersFor indoorInfrared Picture Heating Panels InfraHEAT
Infrared Picture Heating Panels InfraHEAT

Infrared Picture Heating Panels InfraHEAT

Price: €247.98
  • Rating: 105.00004Reviews
  • Weight:
    4.000 Kgs


A picture that heats your home or office!

With low energy consumption, healthy heating with infrared waves!

Choose your own picture - a favourite family photo, a landscape, a children's animation, modern art...


Original solution for heating. Stylish, with low energy consumption - the infrared picture heating panels become part of the interior instead of taking space. You may decide what the picture on the panel is, or we can suggest different picture options according to your taste. You may view some sample pictures here.

Discover a new combination and application of technology and design. Our innovative infrared heating systems emit heat in the same way as the sun.

These heating elements provide high quality heating at affordable prices, are maintenance free, energy efficient and beneficial to your health. Infrared heat waves do not heat the air, instead the waves penetrate walls, objects and bodies which store heat for much longer than the air and project it back into the room in the form of lovely, pleasant warmth.

These new, ultra-slim infrared heaters from InfraHEAT can transform your home or office into an oasis of warmth and comfort.

certificate СЕ certificate TUV


  • Protection level IP54
  • Standard voltage 220-240 V, 50 Hz.
  • 1.8-metre cable with a plug.
  • The picture panel can be placed horizontally or vertically.
  • Orders - picture panel orders take up to 1 week.
  • Warranty: 5 years

This product can be found and bought in the show-room of InfraHEAT in Sofia, Bulgaria, located on 85 "Tzar Boris" blvd. tel. 0876 800 255.

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Have a look at our picture catalogue here:


Picture catalogue for infrared panels InfraHEAT


(H х W х D)
Heating capacity
Heating area
InfraHEAT 300 XS
30 x 90 х 2.5 cm
300 W
6-8 m2
InfraHEAT 400 XS 30 x 120 x 2.5 cm 400 W 8-10 m2
InfraHEAT 400 S
60 x 60 х 2.5 cm
400 W
8-10 m2
InfraHEAT 600 M
60 x 90 х 2.5 cm
600 W
12-16 m2
InfraHEAT 800 L
60 x 120 х 2.5cm
800 W
16-20 m2


In the table above, an approximate heated area is listed, based on standard height of the premises (2.60 m), good wall/ceiling insulation and sealed window frames.


by GDPR 14-05-2018, 27 Oct 2014

Взех такъв панел-картина, напук на съпруга му, който беше твърдо против. Невероятно красиво бижу в хола ми, всеки път се хваля пред гостите. Съпругът ми взе, че си промени мнението, "то ствало за отопление това чудо", сега обмисляме да вземем подобен за спалнята :)))

by GDPR 14-05-2018, 28 Apr 2012

Поръчах си такъв панел картина миналата зима. Сметнаха ми нужната мощност във фирмата - и за първи път алергията ми не се прояви през зимата.. може би защото нямаше въртящ се прах във въздуха.

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