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The solar systems Compact are on the Bulgarian market

Date: 2014-02-26

Solar systems Compact


The systems COMPACT comprise a solar panel, a water tank and a stand in one whole unit. They are the result of long years of developments run by Advanced Solar Technology scientists in close cooperation with international research centres.

The solar systems consist of a highly efficient solar collector and a corrosion resistant water tank. The absorber and the pipe connections are made of copper. The system is completely sealed. The heat-carrying agent is ethanol, which guarantees reliable protection from freezing, while at the same time there is no need of changing or refilling the ethanol fluid. The solar collector works via gravitational pressure - no circulation pump is needed, and thus the energy consumption is practically zero.

The installation is quick and easy – the system is connected via the pipe connection points on the entrance and exit of the system. This saves considerable time and space, while at the same time reducing the length of the needed pipes. There is possibility for parallel connection of several solar units, depending on the necessary quantity of water. In practice, there is no danger of overheating or reverse circulation. The collector is equipped with glass SECURITY/LOWIRON, TEMPERED/, which guarantees that 95% of the sun rays enter the system. This specially designed glass is 6 times more resistant to temperature and strokes compared to ordinary glass.

The operation principle is the following: the solar rays heat the ethanol, which transforms quickly into steam thanks to its low evaporation temperature. The ethanol vapour enters the heat exchanger and indirectly heats the water in the water tank. Liquefied by the cooling process, the ethanol runs down to the lower part of the collector, and the process repeats.

Using the solar system Compact leads to saving energy of about 3200-3800kWhper year. These figures have been calculated based on the consumption of hot water for one average-sized family throughout the year.

The company Pestim energia Ltd. is the official representative of the solar systems COMPACT for the Bulgarian and Eastern European market.

The warranty period for the system is 10 years.